V 2012 Excerpts Video

V 2012 Excerpts Video

V Excerpt 2012 from Toby Knyvett on Vimeo.

Urban mythmaker Justin Shoulder creates a unique fusion of live performance and theatrical ceremony. Faith speaks of a God that created the angels pure and good, but subjected them to a test. Some passed triumphantly, while others rebelled and were eternally tortured in Hell. These are the devils and demons; implanting passion and obsession, they can utterly derange human faculties. 

Calling to life a demon for today, the creature 'V' is manifest. In a ceremony of the senses the theatre becomes an altar for V to revel in the beauty and horror of contemporary idolatry and its fifteen minutes of fame.

Devised, Performed and Costumes by Justin Shoulder
Vision and Lighting Design by Toby K
Original Music by Nick Wales
Creative Producer & outside eye Jeff Stein

Video taken from Next Wave Festival, Melbourne 2012. Filmed by Takeshi Kondo.

Special thanks to Arts House and Next Wave


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